
Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sad for me but True.....

I am afraid I am going to have to have a break from blogging over the next few weeks - nothing new there then I hear you say - but to be kind to all my followers I have to admit defeat and say I don't have enough hours, stamina or zest to blog right now.

We have something huge and extremely emotional  going on in the family right now and it is doing my head in in more ways than one. My heart and head are all over the place right now and I hope one day soon to share my problem with my crafting friends because I know I would have 100% support from you all out there,  but right now I have to deal with this quietly and to the best of my ability right now.  I hope we can all come through this the other side and be a stronger family unit because of it.

I hope to come in and view all your fab cards from time to time and perhaps comment but please be patient with me girls. I do hope to be back very soon and hope that when I do come back you will come follow me again.

Hugs to you all for the next few weeks at least.


  1. Don't worry about us babe, we'll miss you but totally understand. Come back to us when you can, big hugs, Jo x

  2. Family first, blogging last!
    See you soon.

  3. Hugs and kisses to you Sheila. Whatever it is your priorities are in the right place - blogging has to take a back seat. Always here to lend an ear if needs be. Have had a bad year myself, so you have all my support.

  4. so sorry to hear this sheila.sending all my hugs your way and hoping things will be ok.

    xx coops xx

  5. Big hugs Shelia hope everything gets sorted. Sandra x

  6. big hugs to you Sheila. you are a tower of strength and you know you are doing the right thing.
    we will all be here waiting for you when what ever it is - is sorted out.
    if there is anything we can do to help - you know where we are x

    (((((hugs))))) to you xxx

  7. Thank your for the the great information. I appreciate and respect your point of view.Pain in the neck problem.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment ~ do come back soon.
Wishing you a Happy Day, Sheila:)X