
Friday, 18 October 2013

So sorry

Hello to all my faithful friends and followers and thank you for your emails recently asking where I am....I am here....just not had time to do anything.

Long story but Graham is well - has bone marrow biopsy done and results all clear so annual check ups for the rest of his life to keep a check on these paraprotiens that are in his blood. Specialist doesn't think we have anything to worry about so we are living life to the full as much as we can.

Very sadly, our beautiful daughter and her gorgeous 17month old son have had to move out of their lovely flat and have come home to live with us for the foreseeable future. She has worked so hard to keep the relationship with his Daddy on the right track and we have had to sit back and watch her fall into a deep depression, gain loads of weight through having no money to buy healthy food, get into deep debt, lose her friends, etc etc.  She has now opened her eyes and seen him as others have for a  long time.  The split doesn't seem to have affected Kai too badly - he has his own wee room here and has settled well.  Lynne is now getting better and is back at Uni, about to start her final year.  The usual crap happens every week- abusive phone calls, no money coming from Daddy, very few days out with Daddy but Lynne has somehow found an inner strength from somewhere deep inside and is dealing with the situation maturely and positively. Kai will have male influence from Granda and Uncle Neil and they both adore him.  I know Lynne will get slated for giving up on this 'family' but if the truth be known she is in a much better place now and has returned to the Lynne we had 3 years ago before Daddy came into her life.  There is now no chance of any reconciliation - he has done too many bad things now ~ faked a suicide attempt to get her back, told many many lies, cheated, let Kai down too many times.  Funny how a Mum has to ignore what is happening but pray that her daughter sees things eventually but finally she has....  SO it is onwards and upwards for Lynne and Kai.

I will try to get some cards made soon to catch up with you all and I have been popping in from day to day to read your blogs but not always got time to comment.  But I am sure you are all aware crafting with a 17 month old running  havoc is HARD!!   I love him to bits by the way!!

Stanley (our other wee grandson ) is now 7 months old and is charming as ever......grandchildren are such a joy.  My mum used to say that and I always laughed at her but NOW I understand.

Hoping you are all well and sending some of you the hugs you need and waving madly at you all from foggy Enfield today.........Keep Crafting!!!!


  1. Hello Sheila

    I'm so sorry to read your post today it just mimicks our life at the moment as my daughter is in a relationship so similar and has affected our family for the last three plus years so I can fully understand what you have all been going through to stand back is so hard and especially with little Kai!!!

    Last night was the first time in months that I have actually looked at my blog and decided I needed to start crafting again then to see you pop up todayy I'm so glad I did.

    You are all in my thoughts and I hope Lynne continues to be strong and that her future will bring her happiness that she so deserves I wish my daughter could be strong too but until she decides enough is enough we just have to sit back and wait no matter how hard it gets.

    Love to you and Graham, take care Chanelle xxxx

  2. Hello hun, missed you! Sorry to hear all the rough stuff that has come your way - there's nothing like a good loving family to pull you through. Hugs, Jo x

  3. Good for your daughter getting away from a bad situation you must be so proud of her for trying to get her life back on track. Hugs Alison xx

  4. so pleased your hubby is ok sheila and that your grandsons are doing well and as the eldest child of a single mum (my mum and dad divorced when i was 12), having one happy parent is much healthier than having 2 at each other all the time.
    My mum is fantastic and i`ve had no contact (my choice)with my `dad` since i was 14.
    I am sure your daughter will come out of this so much stronger and she has you all on her side too :D
    Lotsa hugs.

  5. I love this. Thanks so much for the information. I have been trying to find something for neck pain colorado springs.

  6. Hi Sheila don't be fooled with my cards you wouldn't believe how long they are taking me to make!!!! lol Hope you are all ok love Chanelle xxx


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment ~ do come back soon.
Wishing you a Happy Day, Sheila:)X